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Brazilian Waxing & Breakup Season....


Every year January hits and all around the world relationships come to an end. January, or "Breakup Season", as I've come to call it over the years is once again upon us. As heart wrenching as it is, we all know that the only thing that helps is time. And Selfcare.

Here's where I come in! Trust me, I understand the importance of a good cry and a good wallow. You have to go through the stages of grieving, just as you would any other loss-but you absolutely cannot wallow for too long. One of the most dangerous things to do at this time of year, when everything outside looks so gray and bleak-is to allow yourself too long a wallow. Yes, your heart is broken right now, but you know that one day you're gonna wake up and it just wont hurt the same way anymore. You'll think of them less and less, and stop associating everything you see with them. It may hurt like hell today, but soon you'll start to have honest conversations with yourself about all the things that you ignored and looked over. The reality of that person without the filter of your love goggles will reveal someone you're actually a little ashamed you actually dated! And you'll begin to feel better day by day.

One of the most important things to do during this time is to keep on top of your self care regimen! You can be a sad bitch, but you can't be a disheveled one hun. That old saying about looking good making you feel good....that's real! As superficial as it may sound, you'll most assuredly feel very different when looking in the mirror and seeing your skin glowing, brows perfectly arched, and body looking good (between that breakup diet and new workout routine)- the GLOW UP after your breakup can be an amazing time to start prioritizing yourself.

I see so many women who come in for their first Brazilian Wax ever after a breakup! It's one of those things many women have always wanted to try, so they figure it's time! Especially if they're getting back into the dating scene and it's been a hot minute. So many women tell me that they wish they'd started years ago, because they just feel so much cleaner and put together. For the majority of my clients a monthly Brazilian Wax is something they do for themselves, because it looks and feels so much nicer than shaving. Remember, a Brazilian doesn't have to be everything up top gone- many women will keep a triangle up top and remove the rest (inner and outer labia & between tush cheeks). So there really is a happy medium for everyone. For women who have labia that they feel has started to sag and want to keep some hair there- my Extended Bikini Wax is perfect. With age our bodies change. Pregnancy hormones often leave our labia looking very different- so you may feel more comfortable keeping some of the hair there.

At the end of the day, that's the great thing about waxing; it's not one size fits all. I can customize your wax to what will look the best for your body & preference. With 20 years of Brazilian Waxes under my belt- you can rest assured you're literally in the best hands possible with me! If you're thinking of booking with me, please read all of my pre-waxing tips so that you have the most comfortable waxing experience possible. See ya on the table soon!

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